Film & TV

I co-write screenplays that explore love that feels like a calling and the nature of impossible choice.
A black and white image of two people embracing.

My TV and film work are likely the unintentional consequence of living in Los Angeles, where everyone seems to be working on a movie. One Saturday morning, over freshly baked scones at a caf © in Venice called Deus Ex Machina, a new friend, Jeff Gordon, invited me to take his screenwriting class at Writer’s Boot Camp. Jeff is actually the founder of this incredible school and it was an opportunity for me to learn what I might be able to do with the 600-page manuscript I had sitting in my closet, the original writing that morphed into my memoir.

I took the class and attempted to write a film version of the memoir as my project. While my first draft was very rough, I loved the way the brevity of a script forced purpose into every word. I was hooked.

Shortly thereafter, my dear friend Robert, an amazing filmmaker who has produced, directed and acted in award-winning films, launched his own film company, Ultramedia. Robert and I share the common history of being from Rochester, New York and making our way west by way of the University of Colorado at Boulder, which was where we met. He graciously hired me as a script doctor. He would send me scenes to write or have me fix dialog. I’m lucky to say that I still get to ride the coattails of his success by helping with production and writing on his ongoing projects.

When I returned to the world of memoir in 2020, I was incredibly lucky to meet my current writing partner and collaborate on our own stories. Together, we are Samansara Media. Our mission is to create character-driven romantic dramas and comedies that explore such themes as love that feels like a calling and the nature of impossible choice.

Connect with me to gain access to novellas, log lines and the Samansara screenwriting portfolio.